Sunday, January 31, 2010



Christian life is a life that focus on CHRIST and always going forward.

1. Let us go on to maturity (perfection) Hebrews 6:1-2
1 Corinthians 13:11b. If we are going to make progress, we have to leave the
childhood things behind and go forth in spiritual growth. In other words, let us
be carried 'forward'. It is GOD who enables us to progress as we yield to HIM,
receive HIS Word, and act on it.

2. Let us run with endurance Hebrews 12:1
the Hebrews Christians getting weary and wanted to give up; Paul encouraged
them to keep moving forward, like runners on a track.

3. Reaching forward to the thing ahead Philippians 3 :13
Paul says [Acts 20:24] But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life
dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy.

4. Let us go forward, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Amen.
The LORD of peach HIMSELF give you peace always in every way.
[2 Thessalonians 3:19]

Rev. Racheal (Senior Pastor)


"Why does GOD allow good things to happen to bad people?"

This question is similar to its opposite: "Why does GOD allow bad things to happen to good people."

Both questions refer to what seems to be perplexing injustice we witness everyday. The 73rd Psalm is our answer to the very same questions that also tormented the Psalmist.

Finding himself in terrible distress and agony of soul he writes. "But for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lose my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked"

(Psalm 73:2-3)
The writer of this Psalm was a man named Asaph, a leader of one of the temple choirs. Obviously, he was not a wealthy man, but rather one who had dedicated his life to serving GOD (see 1 Chronicles 25). But, like us, he had experienced some difficulties and questioned the injustice of it all. He watched the evil people around him living by their own rules, enjoying wealth and pleasures of the world and piling riches upon riches. He complains: "they have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from the burden common to man; they are not plagued by human ills"

(Psalm 73:4-5)
Asaph was looking at these people who didn't have problems. They could pay their bills. They had plenty to eat and plenty of luxuries. But the poor Asaph was stuck with directing choir and trying to live godly. And to add insult to injury, it didn't seem to be getting him anywhere. He began not only to envy these people, but even to question GOD as to why HE would allow such a thing to happen!

How often do we find ourselves relating to Asaph?

We dedicate our lives to serving GOD. Then we witness the wicked, the ungodly people around us get new cars, luxuries homes, promotions, beautiful clothes, and take fabulous trips, while we struggle to pay the electric bill. The answer lies in the rest of the Psalm. Asaph envied these evil people until he realized one very important thing. When he entered the sanctuary of GOD, he finally understood their final destiny: "When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me till I entered the sanctuary of GOD; then I understood their final destiny. Surely, you place them on slippery ground; you cast them down to ruin. How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors! As a dream when one awakes, so when you arise, O LORD, you will despise them as fantasies" (Psalm 73:16-20). Those who have temporary riches on earth are in reality spiritual beggars because they do not have true riches ... Eternal Life

There are many times when we do not understand what is happening to us, nor do we understand how providence works. When Asaph entered the sanctuary of GOD, he began to see that there was no need for him to be envious of the prosperity of the wicked because their prosperity is in reality an illusion. He began to comprehend that the ancient deceiver, Satan, had played tricks with his vision and used lies to distract him from the reality of GOD. Upon entering the sanctuary, he realized that prosperity is a fleeting fulfillment. A fashion show of what is to pass away, like a pleasant dream that pleases us only for a little while but when we awaken, we realize it was not real. Asaph rebukes himself for his own stupidity. He admits to being "senseless" and ignorant" to envy the wicked or to be jealous of the perishing. His thoughts then returned to his own happiness in GOD when he realized how much more joy, fulfillment and true spiritual prosperity he had in the CREATOR.

We may not have everything we want here on earth, but we will one day prosper for all eternity through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Whenever we are tempted to try the other road, we should remember that the other road is a dead end (Matthew 7:13). But in all truth, the narrow road before us through JESUS is awesome and is the only road that leads to eternal life. That should be our joy and comfort. "Whom have I in heaven but YOU? And earth has nothing I desire besides YOU. Those who are far from YOU will perish; YOU destroy all who are unfaithful to YOU. But as for me, it is good to be near GOD. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge...(Psalm 73:25, 27-28). We need not concern ourselves when good things seem to happen to bad people. We only need to keep our focus on our CREATOR and enter into HIS presence everyday through the portal of HIS holy Word. There we will find truth, contentment, spiritual riches and eternal joy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Friday, January 8, 2010

Video by Joseph Prince Ministeries

Saturday, January 2, 2010



The LORD has promised to give us many new things.


[Psalm 51:10] Create in me a new heart.
We do not want an old heart [Jeremiah 17:9] says,
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure, who can understand it?

[Mark 7:21] Whatever comes out of a man is what make him 'unclean'.

[Ezekiel 3b:26] I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

[1 Samuel 16:7] Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.
Let Lord see in out hearts, forgiveness, the joy of salvation, holiness, divine (godly) character, righteousness and humility.

[1 Peter 2:1-2] So clean house! Make a clean sweep of malice and pretense, envy and hurtful talk. You've had a taste of God. Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God's pure kindness.

Then you'll grow up mature and whole in GOD.

Rev. Rachel (Senior Pastor)

"What sort of New Year's Resolution should a Christian make?"

The practice of making New Year resolutions goes back over 3000 years to the ancient Babylonians. There is just something about the start of a New Year that gives us the feeling of a fresh and a new beginning. In reality, there is no difference between December 31st and January 1st. Nothing mystical occurs at midnight on December 31st. the Bible does not speak for or against the concept of New Year's resolutions. However, if a Christian determines to make a New Year's resolution, what kind of resolution should he or she make?

Common New Year's resolution are:
==> to quit smoking
==> to stop drinking
==> to manage money better
==> and spent more time with family.

By far the most common New Year's resolution is to lose weight, in conjunction with exercising more and eating healthier. These are all good goals to set.

However, 1 Timothy 4:8 instructs us to keep exercise in perspective:
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

The vast majority of New Year's resolutions, even among the Christians, are in relation to physical things. This should not be.

Many Christians make New Year's resolution to pray more, to read the Bible every day, and to attend church more regularly. These are fantastic goals.

However, these New Year's resolution fail just as often as the non spiritual resolutions, because there is no power in a New Year's resolution. Resolving to start or stop doing a certain activity has no value unless you have proper motivation for stopping or starting that activity.

For example, why do you want to read the Bible everyday? Is it to honor God and grow spiritually, or is it because you have heard that it is a good thing to do?

Why do you want to lose weight? is it to honor God with your body, or is it for vanity, to honor yourself?

Philippians 4:13 tell us, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

John 15:5 declares, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

If God is the center of your New Year's resolution, it has chance for success, depending on your commitment to it. If it is God's will for something to be fulfilled, He will enable you to fulfill it. If a resolution is not God honoring and/or is not in agreement in God's Word, we will not received God's help in fulfilling the resolution.

So, what sort of New Year's resolution should a Christians make? Here are some suggestions: resolution, if....

(1) Pray to the lord for wisdom (James 1:5) in regards to what resolutions, if any, He would have you make;
(2) Pray for wisdom as to how to fulfill the goals God gives you;
(3) Find an accountability partner who will help you and encourage you;
(4) Don't become discouraged with occasional failures; instead allow them to motivate you further;
(5) Don't become proud or vain, but give God the glory.

Psalm 37:5-6, "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him and He will do this:
He will make righteousness shine like a dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."