Sunday, May 29, 2011

Praise Lord For His Good Servants.

Presenters: Joanna Woon, Tim Miller & Evelyn Low

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sunday School Kids' Outing & Parents Day Celebration

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pastor Daniel Tan From SIB KLumpur

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Trust In God

Proverbs 3:5-8

Trust is not inherited; it is learned. Like character is not made in a crisis, it is only exhibited. We learned to trust God by going through various experiences that require trust. None of us can possibly go forward in the strength of the Lord until we have first learned to stand still in our own helplessness. By seeing His faithfulness over and over, we let go of trusting ourselves, and gradually we enter His rest and place our trust in Him. A story goes like this, a man saw a butterfly struggling to emerge from the cocoon, so he broke open the cocoon and pulled the developing butterfly out. In just a matter of minutes the creature died. If we didn’t struggle through some things we will never develop the strength we need to survive in this world.
1Peter 5:10

Rev. Rachel Kamala


事實上,不但是在面對海難眾人驚慌失措、喪膽絕望,哭號怕死的時 候,基督徒應該要站出來:在社會道德墮落、經濟不景氣的今天,基 督徒更要站出來,但不是站出來責備,批評或哀嘆人心不古,而是要 能在行事為人上,活出與常人不同的基督徒品格,讓人主動問我們信 心的源由何來?

Rev. Grace.

Mother's Day Month

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easter Celebration

AG Youths Performing Team