A Blessed Parents’ Day
“What Is A Family?”
The family is a balanced environment designed by God for the growth of human beings. Luke 2:52. Human beings need a balanced family environment in which to develop. “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”. This is a description of the balanced growth he experienced in the human family in which God placed Him. His body developed. His mind grew. He developed socially, and He grew spiritually. This is the kind of development which every parent should desire for their children.
One of the most important truths parents should pass on to their children is the fact that people are more important than things. The best place for learning how to treat people is in the home where there is an opportunity to act out love in the situations of life day by day. Here is where respect for life, others, and self is either born or destroyed.
It is always a joy to watch the values of one generation being taken on by the next. This should be the great source of joy to parents.
One of Paul’s favorite ‘sons’ in his ministry was a young man Timothy. When Paul wrote to him he stated, “I am reminded of the sincerity of your faith, a faith which was alive in Lois, your grandmother and Eunice, your mother before you, and which, I am confident, lives in you also”. (2 Tim 1:5). Paul was describing a faith which remained fresh and vital generation after generation. This is more important than passing along a family inheritance to the children.
One of the best things parents can do for their children is to lay a foundation for personal faith and commitment in their life. Social and religious beliefs must be built in the family, and woven into their daily life.
Rev. Racheal Kamala
有人用球來比喻父母。 當父母在有求必應的時侯,孩子們就會你搶過來,我搶過去, 這個時侯,父母就像是「籃球」!
等到可利用的價值被搾得精光後,孩子們就會我推過來,你推 過去,這個時侯,父母就像是「桌球」!
再等到父母雞皮鶴髮,雙目呆滯,孩子們就會你躲過來,我躲 過去,這個時侯父母就像是「躲避球」!
最後,父母年老體衰,臥病在床,需要人照顧時,孩子們就會你 踢過來,我踢過去,想盡辨法将父母踢出自己的家門,這個時侯, 父母就像是「足球」!
用心孝順並敬愛我們的父母,使父母歡樂-這是我們應盡的天職, 也是蒙福的途徑。
聖經上提醒我們說:「你要使父母歡喜,使生你的快樂。」(箴 言廿三章25節〕又說:「要孝敬父母,使你得福,在世長壽。 這是第一條带應許的誡命。」〔以弗所書六章2-3節〕基督徒 在孝道上的標準必須比一般人更高,這不但是我們應有的責任, 也是一條蒙福之道。
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