Mark Chapter 5:22-43
Once, a man called Jairus came seeking Jesus.
On seeing Jesus, he fell at His feet and pleaded;
‘My daughter is ailing so much and she is at the point of death. I pray thee come and lay hands upon her that she may be healed and she shall live’.
Jesus Christ went along with him to his house. On the way, Jairus’ faith is tested. He had faith because Jesus was going along with him to his house and his daughter’s life would be saved. At the same time he also had the anxiety whether his daughter would be alive till they reach home. He would have taken Jesus along in great hurry.
On the way, a woman who had an issue of blood twelve years touched the tip of His garment and got healed. There was a delay as Jesus was conversing with her a little while. At that time Jairus would have been very anxious.
As he had feared he received news from home that his daughter was dead and he need not trouble the master. At this juncture, Jesus to Jairus…
‘Mark 5:36’ “Be not afraid; only believe.” In other word “Don’t give up your faith”.
Even at this critical situation, Jesus says, “Don’t give up your faith”.
Jairus thought “If the daughter is alive there is a possibility of her being healed. If she is dead what would be done?” he fears. At that instant, Jesus strengthen his faith.
To-day your faith too many facing challenges. You may be troubled; You may be troubled; What shall I do? The situation is very critical.”
Jesus tells you, “Do not give up your faith.”
When Jesus laid His hands on Jairus daughter she came alive. Jesus will respect your faith. He will do wonders for you. Amen.
Senior Pastor,
Rev.Rachel Kamala
有一個人素行不良,街坊鄰居都知道這件事,可是每到禮拜天, 他一定會到教堂以一種虔誠的外表敬拜上帝。
有一天牧師提醒他,人不但要真心的敬拜上帝,也應該要謹慎自 己的言行舉止,才是上帝所喜悦的基督徒。他立即說:「每個禮 拜天我都到禮拜堂來參加禮拜、也都有捐獻,難道上帝不喜歡我 這樣的基督徒嗎?」
牧師回答他說:「你以為人只要每個星期天到禮拜堂坐一坐,就 會自然變成基督徒嗎?事實上,人的内心若不侮改,真心地回轉 到上帝的面前,外表的敬拜儀式是不能救他的!」
一個人常到教堂中參加敬拜,同時也奉獻金錢,固然是作了基督 徒應該做的事,但是在生活中實際地活出基督徒應有的德行,則 是更為重要。
參與教會的活動固然極為重要,但是從内心裡發出的敬拜,進而 全人得著更新與改變,這在上帝眼中則更為重要。
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