Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Power Of prayer

James 5:17-18

“Elijah was a man just like us”, James says.
He was not perfect; in fact, right after his victory on Mt. Carmel, Elijah became afraid and discouraged and ran away. But he was a righteous man that is obedient to the Lord and trusting Him. God’s promises of answered prayer are for all His children.
Elijah prayed in faith. Prayer said Robert Law, “is not getting man’s will be done in heaven. It is getting God’s will done on earth”.
You cannot separate the Word of God and prayer, for in His Word He gives us the promises that we claim when we pray.
There are many powers in the world today. Prayer power is the greatest power in the world. Elijah prayed for His Nation, and God answered prayer. We need to pray for our Nation today, that God will bring conviction and revival, and the “showers of blessing” will come to our land.
This is the greatest responsibilities of the church, to pray for the Nation and government. (1 Tim 2:1-3)

Senior Pastor
Rev. Rachel Kamala


修正從 『自己』開始






John Chapter 11

Believe and see the Glory of God

Jesus had raised others from dead, but Lazarus had been in the grave four days. Death is man’s last enemy (1 Cor 15:26), Jesus Christ has defeated this horrible enemy totally and permanently.
The emphasis in John 11 is on faith Jesus sought to strengthen the sisters (11:26,40). Jesus has sent a promise to the sisters (11:4)
Martha’s words to Jesus (11:21-22) was same as Mary’s words to Jesus (11:32). There was also evidence of faith, for nobody ever died in the presence of Jesus Christ. Martha declared her faith (11:27) but failed at the last minute.
V39 “Open the tomb? By now he smells!”
Jesus reminded her of the message He had sent at least three days before (11:4). He wanted her to believe it. True faith relies on God’s promises and thereby releases God’s power. Each experience of suffering and trails ought to increase our faith.
Let us continue to believe His promises, and He will show us His glory. (11:40)

Senior Pastor
Rev. Rachel Kamala










Saturday, June 4, 2011


A Blessed Parents’ Day

“What Is A Family?”
The family is a balanced environment designed by God for the growth of human beings. Luke 2:52. Human beings need a balanced family environment in which to develop. “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”. This is a description of the balanced growth he experienced in the human family in which God placed Him. His body developed. His mind grew. He developed socially, and He grew spiritually. This is the kind of development which every parent should desire for their children.
One of the most important truths parents should pass on to their children is the fact that people are more important than things. The best place for learning how to treat people is in the home where there is an opportunity to act out love in the situations of life day by day. Here is where respect for life, others, and self is either born or destroyed.
It is always a joy to watch the values of one generation being taken on by the next. This should be the great source of joy to parents.
One of Paul’s favorite ‘sons’ in his ministry was a young man Timothy. When Paul wrote to him he stated, “I am reminded of the sincerity of your faith, a faith which was alive in Lois, your grandmother and Eunice, your mother before you, and which, I am confident, lives in you also”. (2 Tim 1:5). Paul was describing a faith which remained fresh and vital generation after generation. This is more important than passing along a family inheritance to the children.
One of the best things parents can do for their children is to lay a foundation for personal faith and commitment in their life. Social and religious beliefs must be built in the family, and woven into their daily life.

Rev. Racheal Kamala



有人用球來比喻父母。 當父母在有求必應的時侯,孩子們就會你搶過來,我搶過去, 這個時侯,父母就像是「籃球」!

等到可利用的價值被搾得精光後,孩子們就會我推過來,你推 過去,這個時侯,父母就像是「桌球」!

再等到父母雞皮鶴髮,雙目呆滯,孩子們就會你躲過來,我躲 過去,這個時侯父母就像是「躲避球」!

最後,父母年老體衰,臥病在床,需要人照顧時,孩子們就會你 踢過來,我踢過去,想盡辨法将父母踢出自己的家門,這個時侯, 父母就像是「足球」!


用心孝順並敬愛我們的父母,使父母歡樂-這是我們應盡的天職, 也是蒙福的途徑。

聖經上提醒我們說:「你要使父母歡喜,使生你的快樂。」(箴 言廿三章25節又說:「要孝敬父母,使你得福,在世長壽。 這是第一條带應許的誡命。」以弗所書六章2-3節基督徒 在孝道上的標準必須比一般人更高,這不但是我們應有的責任, 也是一條蒙福之道。


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Praise Lord For His Good Servants.

Presenters: Joanna Woon, Tim Miller & Evelyn Low

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sunday School Kids' Outing & Parents Day Celebration

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pastor Daniel Tan From SIB KLumpur

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Trust In God

Proverbs 3:5-8

Trust is not inherited; it is learned. Like character is not made in a crisis, it is only exhibited. We learned to trust God by going through various experiences that require trust. None of us can possibly go forward in the strength of the Lord until we have first learned to stand still in our own helplessness. By seeing His faithfulness over and over, we let go of trusting ourselves, and gradually we enter His rest and place our trust in Him. A story goes like this, a man saw a butterfly struggling to emerge from the cocoon, so he broke open the cocoon and pulled the developing butterfly out. In just a matter of minutes the creature died. If we didn’t struggle through some things we will never develop the strength we need to survive in this world.
1Peter 5:10

Rev. Rachel Kamala


事實上,不但是在面對海難眾人驚慌失措、喪膽絕望,哭號怕死的時 候,基督徒應該要站出來:在社會道德墮落、經濟不景氣的今天,基 督徒更要站出來,但不是站出來責備,批評或哀嘆人心不古,而是要 能在行事為人上,活出與常人不同的基督徒品格,讓人主動問我們信 心的源由何來?

Rev. Grace.

Mother's Day Month

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easter Celebration

AG Youths Performing Team

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 12th, 2011 Water Baptism

Location: Teluk Batik Beach, Sitiawan, Perak

Getting ready....

Esther Cheang water baptism

Ms Chew .......

In this photos (L) Pastor Raechal, Esther, Ms Chew, Youth Head Coordintor-
Sister Lai Lean, Issac, Isaac Chung and Grady Oo.

The congregation...

Ezekiel Tan, Grady Oo, Isaac

Isaac & Grace Chung

Isaac on Grady arms, Ezekiel, Issac Chung, Joanna Woon, Grace Chung
Front- Isaiah Chung, Grace.

Youths having their playtime at the beach....



Haggai 2 : 6-7

The ‘shaking’ Haggai 2:6 refers to that time when the Lord shall return and fill His house with glory. As events draw nearer to that time, we shall see more shaking in this world.

What shall we do as we live in a shaking world? Listen to God speaking to us today through His Word and His providential working in the world. We had better listen! If God shook things at Sinai and those who refused to hear were judged, how much more responsible are we today who have experienced the blessing of the New Covenant.

God today is shaking things that are shaken and reveal the unshakable realities that are eternal. Too many people (including Christians) are building their lives on things that can be shake.

Listen to God speak and obey Him. Receive grace day by day to serve Him ‘with reverence and godly fear.’ Do not be distracted
by the tremendous changes going around you. Keep running the race, keep looking to Jesus.

And draw on God’s enabling grace. While others are being frightened, you can be confident for he shall receive and
unshakeable kingdom.

Remember we are a part of God’s kingdom today.

Hebrew 12 : 25-29 the unshakeable kingdom.

Senior Pastor,
Rev.Rachel Kamala


有一部讓我印象深刻的影片,描述在美國有位大報的負責人, 平素主張尊重人權,屢屢為文鼓吹不應有重族歧視,因此深獲人 們的尊重。

他的一位美麗的女兒長期為其言論所薰陶,在認識一位黑人醫師 之後,就開始與他談戀愛。到了討論婚嫁的階段,他的女兒與黑 人醫師來見他。沒有想到這位父親竟然大發雷霆、憤怒的加以反對。


那位倡道人懽、反對種族歧視的父親回答說:「都不是,只因為 他是黑人!」

每次想到這部影片,我就想到,我們常會以自己所明白的聖經真理 來安慰、鼓勵、教導別人,卻從不知這些真理其實就是來安慰、 鼓勵、警戒、教導自己的嗎?




Mark Chapter 5:22-43

Once, a man called Jairus came seeking Jesus.

On seeing Jesus, he fell at His feet and pleaded;

‘My daughter is ailing so much and she is at the point of death. I pray thee come and lay hands upon her that she may be healed and she shall live’.

Jesus Christ went along with him to his house. On the way, Jairus’ faith is tested. He had faith because Jesus was going along with him to his house and his daughter’s life would be saved. At the same time he also had the anxiety whether his daughter would be alive till they reach home. He would have taken Jesus along in great hurry.

On the way, a woman who had an issue of blood twelve years touched the tip of His garment and got healed. There was a delay as Jesus was conversing with her a little while. At that time Jairus would have been very anxious.

As he had feared he received news from home that his daughter was dead and he need not trouble the master. At this juncture, Jesus to Jairus

‘Mark 5:36’ “Be not afraid; only believe.” In other word “Don’t give up your faith”.

Even at this critical situation, Jesus says, “Don’t give up your faith”.

Jairus thought “If the daughter is alive there is a possibility of her being healed. If she is dead what would be done?” he fears. At that instant, Jesus strengthen his faith.

To-day your faith too many facing challenges. You may be troubled; You may be troubled; What shall I do? The situation is very critical.”

Jesus tells you, “Do not give up your faith.”

When Jesus laid His hands on Jairus daughter she came alive. Jesus will respect your faith. He will do wonders for you. Amen.

Senior Pastor,

Rev.Rachel Kamala


有一個人素行不良,街坊鄰居都知道這件事,可是每到禮拜天, 他一定會到教堂以一種虔誠的外表敬拜上帝。

有一天牧師提醒他,人不但要真心的敬拜上帝,也應該要謹慎自 己的言行舉止,才是上帝所喜悦的基督徒。他立即說:「每個禮 拜天我都到禮拜堂來參加禮拜、也都有捐獻,難道上帝不喜歡我 這樣的基督徒嗎?」

牧師回答他說:「你以為人只要每個星期天到禮拜堂坐一坐,就 會自然變成基督徒嗎?事實上,人的内心若不侮改,真心地回轉 到上帝的面前,外表的敬拜儀式是不能救他的!」

一個人常到教堂中參加敬拜,同時也奉獻金錢,固然是作了基督 徒應該做的事,但是在生活中實際地活出基督徒應有的德行,則 是更為重要。

參與教會的活動固然極為重要,但是從内心裡發出的敬拜,進而 全人得著更新與改變,這在上帝眼中則更為重要。



Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Instrumental CD: Be Still My Soul

Amazing Grace,
Holy Holy Holy,
The Old Rugged Cross,
Cast All My cares,
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus,
Ku Mau Cinta Jesus,
What A Friend We Have in Jesus.

Selling at RM12.00 (Shipping cost + RM5 within M'sia)
Buy 1 and share it with your friend.

Contact Person:
Sis. Khoong Lai Lean (012-5615612)
Youth: Ezekiel Tan Yen Zhing (014-3473027)


Philippians 3:14 Press On….into 2011

“Not as though I had already attained!”
This is the statement of a great Christian who never permitted himself to be satisfied with his spiritual attainments (3:12). Paul was satisfied with Jesus Christ, but not with his Christian life.

You don’t have to get up everyday trying to be perfect! You just need to get up everyday, determined to press on into the year 2011.

Great things take time. Impatient often do not hang around long enough to see the finish of really great things, because great things take so much time to mature. James 5:7-8.

No matter how successful we may be in the eyes of men, we cannot be rewarded unless we “take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold us”. (Philippians 3:12)

As we enter into (2011) let us continue to fight the good fight, let us run the race and continue to keep the faith.

(2 Corinthian 13:14) The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all in (2011)

A Blessed And Graceful New Year.

Senior Pastor,
Rev.Rachel Kamala





New Year Wishes

Wishing you Health...
So you may enjoy each day in comfort.

Wishing you the Love of friends and family...
And Peace within your heart.

Wishing you the Beauty of nature...
That you may enjoy the work of God.

Wishing you Wisdom to choose priorities...
For those things that really matter in life.

Wishing you Generosity so you may share...
All good things that come to you.

Wishing you Happiness and Joy...
And Blessings for the New Year.

Wishing you the best of everything...
That you so well deserve.


Clean jokes….

Determination, persistence and patient!

A small boy is sent to bed by his father. 
Five minutes later...."Da-ad...."  "What?" 

"I'm thirsty. Can you bring a drink of water?" 
"No. You had your chance. Lights out." 

Five minutes later:"Da-aaaad....."  "WHAT?" 
"I'm THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water??" 

"I told you NO!" If you ask again,
I'll have to spank you!!" 

Five minutes later......"Daaaa-aaaad....."  "WHAT!" 
"When you come in to spank me, can you bring a drink of water?"